Introduction to Travel Security

Do I get the visa on arrival or do I have to apply for it months in advance? What do I do if I get sick abroad or someone assaults me? A business trip abroad usually requires a lot of planning and knowledge about the regulations, the political situation and the culture of the destination. Our course will help you to leave well informed and prepared for all eventualities in order to return safely. We deliberately differentiate between low, medium and high risk in our trainings. After all, a business trip to Colombia needs to be planned, prepared and organized differently than a trip to Afghanistan.

Safe on the Way

Course Content

  • Clear introduction to all important aspects of travel safety
  • Concrete instructions for travel preparation
  • Clear insights into possible dangers and how to avoid them
  • Examples that clearly demonstrate problems on business trips and how to solve them
  • Solid knowledge about repatriation in case they fall ill on the road
  • Reliable tips for staying safe on the road at all times

Course Modules

We offer modules in three different orientations: low, medium and high risk.

  • Introduction: What you should know about travel safety
  • Preparation: What you should do beforehand
  • Equipment: What you should always have with you
  • Arrival: What you should do first at your destination
  • Stay: What to look out for on the way
  • Return: How to get back in case of illness


Are you interested in an online course? We will be happy to provide you with trial access. You can watch the learning video at your convenience and decide whether it is suitable for you and your employees. No obligation.